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Monday, 13 January 2014 08:37

News: New year, new prices from Thai Kitty

News: New year, new prices from Thai Kitty

Holidays are over and life got back to the usual routine. End of parties and gifts! I thought I will make your life not bored and decided to give a chance to everyone of you to get my used panties at a special price!
I reduced all prices on my panties for sale and now you can get every panties on my catalog from only 25$!!
Take a look at my Items page and make your choice, you will be able to receive my creamy panties at a more convenient and affordable price now. So, what are you waiting for? Pick a pair and start the fun!
Thai Kitty

Hello panty friends! Spring is in the air where I am and I feel like rewarding my lovely loyal followers. So, for the entirety of May you can choose any four pairs of panties and send me a gift for only 3. That’s a pair a week for a whole month!

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