#wornbra #usedbra
The price includes 2 days of wear with two complimentary photos of me, one wearing the bra and one without. The bra will be vacuum sealed. I naturally don’t have a lot of body odor for the bra to soak up, so a spritz of my signature perfume is optional, just let me know.

Free: Perfume Spritz
+$1 Each Photo
+$5/day Extra Wear (5 Days Max)

Buy it now ❤︎

My email: Email: [email protected]
Price: $27
Country: iconfinder_US_167805.png
⛽ I only ship domestic
I accept: Amazon Gift Vouchers
Other Online Vouchers
No PayPal
Postage & Shipping: Standard shipping with tracking within the USA is included in the price.
Worn Sports BraWorn Sports BraWorn Sports Bra